Hi everyone !
Fancy sewing along with me this October?

The Happy Halloween Quilt a Long is a quilt as you go sampler quilt – Perfect for sewing in smaller pieces with twenty blocks each finishing at 12 inches .

To join in you will need :
A selection of FAT QUARTERS , You DON’T need to make a halloween sampler ! You could do any theme you like.
Quilt Wadding or Batting
Backing fabric / binding fabric – more on that later …
To get started download your pattern and print it out.

On the left hand side of each card is a list of what you need to cut for each block , So chop away ! I find it much easier to cut all my pieces and attach them to the card , all ready to sew .

Happy cutting ! Part two assembling the blocks is coming up in a few days… so stay tuned !
Don’t forget you can work on this sew a long at your OWN PACE
Happy sewing !
Gems x
Hey everyone !
How are we getting on with those blocks ? Have you made it to the more difficult ones yet…..
I thought maybe a little visual guide would be helpful for those of you that are new to quilting

Let’s start with an easy ish one…. THE HST (Or hall square triangle ! )
Some of our blocks will ask you to make HST – Here’s how !

Place two blocks RIGHT SIDE TOGETHER . Draw a line through the middle of the diagonal on the block. Stitch 1/4 inch from line on BOTH sides.
Now cut on your line you drew in the beginning – Press your blocks and ta da ! Two HSTS !

Press *TO THE DARKKKK SIDE * and trim your block to the finished size as in your instructions. Don’t worry if your block is slightly short in places , we can hide that in the seam allowance later on

A little trickier …

Prepare you blocks as in HST above , stitching either side of your line , cutting on the line and pressing to the dark side.
Now , place the HST you just made on top of each other right side together with alternate colours touching ( So in this case grey and oranges )

Draw a new line. Stitch either side of the line , then cut on it. Ta da ! a double HST !
There are many , many methods to sew these blocks , but for our sampler we are using this super easy technique.

Place your rectangle with the right side facing you. Put your first square on top. Draw a line. Stitch 1/4 inch from the line. Trim.

Press the block backwards. Now add your next square right side down. Draw another line , stitch and trim again.
Annnnd you are done !

Stitch them all together and you have your flying geese blocks.
I hope these little tutorial guides help make things a bit clearer

Next time we will be prepping the finished blocks using the quilting as we go method…..